Therapeutic exercises for prostate inflammation: yoga, Kegel exercises, and other types of gymnastics

Congestive prostatitis is a slow inflammatory disease of the prostate, which is difficult to handle. Normalize body functions, improves the health of men requires a comprehensive approach that includes medication, physical therapy, special exercises prostate. Maintaining an active lifestyle, and the implementation of the recommendation, the doctor will help you to forget the disease, and improve quality of life.

treatment of prostate

Prostate inflammation, lifestyle

Congestive prostatitis develops due to violation of the trophic prostate. Factors predisposing to the development of this disease:

  • lack of exercise;
  • weight;
  • vascular disease;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of sexual life.

Get rid of the disease, medication alone is not enough, you need to completely rethink your own lifestyle. It is important to changing habits in such a way as to minimize the possible causes of exacerbation.

If you have been stagnant prostatitis should pay attention to your own physical activity. In most cases, congestive prostate disease office workers, and all those who are prone to inactivity. Seated computer work, a busy schedule all this leads to the development of stagnant phenomena in the pelvis, and damage the health of the prostate. The situation is aggravated by the extra weight, which increases the load on the spine, and decreased the circulation of blood in the lower extremities.

Another important factor, which requires the development of prostate irregular sexual life or abstinence. The fact that the process ejaculation emptying lobe of the prostate gland, the secretions produced by this gland. If the secret came out, the prostate produces another. Stimulates the body maintain the normal tone. Prolonged lack of ejaculation weakens the tone of the prostate can cause a thickening and stagnation of secretion.

However, the excessive sex leads to the depletion of the prostate. Forced to operate in the emergency mode, the body has no time to ensure that the appropriate amount of secret, the result is slices of the prostate are not completely empty, but the sound of the body increases. All this leads to edema with subsequent development of inflammation.

Conclusion: sex can also be considered as an exercise for prostate health, but sexual activity should be measured regularly. Men's health can be useful in sex at least 3-4 times a week, but an hour a day holding a marathon can lead to negative consequences.

So, if the development of the prostate can not be avoided, it is necessary to make every effort for the cure. To restore the function of the prostate just the drugs will not work, because the decreased tone of the pelvic organs and stagnation in this area, the time again will be an exacerbation of the disease. The treatment affects the disease causes, and include not just medication, physiotherapy, but also diet, the regular sexual life exercise prostate.

Exercise prostate

Exercises for the inflammation of the prostate or divided into several groups.

  1. Exercises treatment, prostate complex, aim of which is to improve the blood circulation and lymph outflow in the pelvic region. These include the Kegel exercise for men.
  2. Exercises for the prevention of prostate any physical activity, which is the lower body. The most useful sports activities considered to be running at a moderate pace, swimming, as well as the daily exercises.
  3. The exercises to enhance the potential aimed at strengthening the pubic-coccygeal muscles, is one form of physical activity to prevent the development of stagnation.
exercise prostate

Separately stands out the yoga of the prostate. Purpose of strengthening the muscles, the pelvis, and stimulate circulation of blood to the pubic-coccygeal area. Yoga of the prostate also reduces the negative effects of stress, which positively affects the immune system and general health, as the strain, the nervous system is one of the reasons for the exacerbation of chronic prostatitis.

What is the practice of prostate, that's more of a personal choice for all people. It is recommended to pay attention to your own health, physical fitness. People with overweight do not immediately start intense exercise. In this case, the urologists recommend Kegel exercises, which in turn increases the load. To strengthen the prostate gland also helps other physical activity, prostate gland, such as climbing stairs or running.

Practice the chronic inflammation of the prostate or elected, to improve the trophism of the pelvic organs, but avoid heavy loads. Bodybuilding, training simulators the greater weight, and suddenly, the weight lifting is not recommended, better to give preference to the regular workout, without any sudden movements.

Yoga for men

If the inflammation of the prostate, reduce symptoms, improve your health yoga helps. Such practice of the prostate not only strengthen muscles and normalize breathing, thus saturating the body with oxygen. Yoga helps to cope with stress, gain clarity of thought, and reduces the frequency of exacerbations of prostatitis.

To learn yoga is simple, but we recommend that you visit a few classes in a dedicated yoga centre. Hours will help you avoid the common mistakes beginners. Universal systems there are no seats, everyone will be able to pick up some of the asanas, the implementation of which will have a positive effect on the function of the prostate. This is considered as a better prostate works on Hatha yoga.

Before training prostate, we recommend that you perform the breathing, which will help you to set the desired manner.

  1. To pull up your hands, while slow, deep breath. In a breath, his hand smoothly up and down 3 times. Then a slow exhale, then gently lower the arms and relax the body.
  2. Take a deep breath, stretched out his arm in front of chest. You're holding your breath, you should perform 2-3 circular movements of the arms extended, then slowly release the air while lowering the hands.
  3. Take a deep breath, hold it in the air. At this time, gently massage the lower ribs for a few minutes, and then slowly released the air from her lungs.

Make the breathing exercise, as well as the tuning, the yoga, the exercises.

  1. Lie down on a gym Mat, free to stretch your arms and legs. Inhale, straighten your chest, and lift it over the Carpet. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, feeling a stretch in the back muscles.
  2. Lying on the stomach, need to pull the hand back to clasp the leg. Bend as deeply back at the same time lifting his leg, but stay in that position for 5 minutes.
  3. Lying on your back extend your hands upward, simultaneously lifting the pool. The focus of the body falls on the shoulders, legs.
  4. On the ground, resting the palms on the ground in front of him. Legs extended, toes clenched. In this situation, you need to raise your leg as high as you can, hold for 5 seconds.
  5. Stand up straight, slightly spreading her legs. On the inhale, slowly tilt your body forward while removing his hand back. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

Includes exercises for the prevention of prostate elements, which is able to treat all people, regardless of physical ability. If you have already mastered, you move on to more complicated exercises, but it's better to have a instructor.


Kegel Exercises

Kegel-exercise physical exercise when the prostate, to eliminate stagnation in the prostate. Them just, time or place doesn't matter, therapeutic exercises, even at work.

Prostate while performing Kegel exercises, strengthens, reduces swelling, improves the trophic of the body, which is especially important for stagnant prostatitis.

Kegel exercises for the prostate gland is very simple to learn, everyone knows, but to the expected results, on a daily basis.

  1. Handle, includes the sphincter, then relax the muscles. Repeat at least 50 times during the day.
  2. Reduce the pelvic floor muscles described the first practice holding the muscle in tension for 5 seconds, then relax them. Repeat at least 20 times.
  3. During urination, the need to control the urine stream. Going to the bathroom, you have to start the process, then all of a sudden to interrupt him a little, and then again. So, one visit to the toilet, you have to stop the stream five times. The practice must be repeated each time you use the toilet.

These exercises are considered the best prostate. The first week should be performed 10-20 times, gradually increasing the number of approaches. The optimal frequency of operation 50 times, three times a day. It is recommended from time to time, to change its position. Since the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles are almost not noticeable to others, the exercise may be carried out in the workplace.

Qigong prostate

Eastern practice, when the prostate is an effective method of normalization of the functioning of the prostate. The Qigong of the prostate appear both in the treatment, prevention. The men say that such exercises improve the potential.

A set of exercises in gymnastics the Chi kung is very simple, so the treatment of prostate anyone. For those who doubt, we recommend that you study the video description, the technique of performing physical exercises of Qigong in the prostate.

  1. Before training, prostate adenoma, you need to learn the basic Qigong stance. To do this you need to stand straight, then lift your arm above your head. You should feel the crown of the dam along the ridge axis. There's the arm stretched over a hand to slowly take a deep breath, trying to mentally stretch this axis over his head. Exercise to relax your back, the stretching of the intervertebral discs.
  2. Standing fundamental position, to take a deep breath, and at the same time lower the hands to the level of the mouth. Then exhale and hands go down to the level of the dam. And then there's a movement in the opposite direction – the air, hands reached his nose, and then exhale – lift the head.
  3. Muscles of the pool, so the bottom together, and when the anus. At the same time, clasping the hands to the castle at the breast. Inhalation of joined hands to the level of the forehead, on the exhale and down to the dam. All the time, pelvic muscles remain tense.

This therapeutic exercises prostate done daily. Each exercise should be performed 10 times, to monitor your breathing.

Over time, the implementation of the charging of the prostate is recommended to be increased, twice a day, morning and night.

Other exercises

These complexes are replaced by a simple home workout, like the treatment of prostate, it's not so important to the practice, how much physical load on the lower part of the body. A good result is achieved when performing squats the prostate, but the movement should be smooth and slow. As an exercise for the prostate is good, simple, circular movements in the pool, like dancing.


Physical activity a number of contraindications. First physical therapy prostate is forbidden in the period of exacerbation of the disease, to improve the blood supply can lead to the spread of the inflammatory process. Training should be terminated, tuberculosis, abscess of the prostate.